
Wednesday, March 27, 2024

4:00pm ish

Room 211, State House

Bill S2242 will be discussed during the regular meeting House Committee on Special Legislation on March 27, 2024 (agenda here). The hearing will most likely start at 4:30 or 4:45pm but plan to arrive early to find the committee room and sign in. The meeting is scheduled for ROOM 211 at the State House (see the map from Common Cause below). Parking is free around 3:45 at either State House lot. 

The sign in sheet will have a place for your name, a column to check that you're in support of the bill, and an option to testify. If you arrive late, just check in with the committee clerk and ask to testify. 

Testimony should be brief and to the point. If you submitted a support letter, you should not read that statement as your testimony. Committee members will hear a lot of testimony through the meeting so it's ok to edit your speech if someone before you has said similar remarks. Personal stories and appeals are really impactful in this situation—make a connection with the members if you can. 

There's no exact time on when testimony will occur and the bill may move around on the agenda. Remember that you can always send a letter if you are not able to attend the hearing.